
Read out the latest updates regarding new features and fixes that have been implemented to our platform. Check out our Kleenscan Updates & News Telegram Channel to receive news updates on Telegram!

Bitpay Resolved

Bitpay payment system resolved, now accepting crypto payments.

AV Update

Crowdstrike Falcon & Threatdown EDR scanners now private and offline.

Engines Functional

Avira & Crowdstrike Falcon engines are fully operational after hoster migration.

Telegram Bot Operational

Telegram scanner bot is fully operational after hoster migration.

Update Finished

Kleenscan's hoster migration finished with success. Experiencing issues with CrowdStrike Falcon & Avira, expect to have AV engines functional tomorrow.

Maintenance - Monday 2 December

Kleenscan will perform maintenance on Monday 2 December. Kleenscan is moving hosters and expects several hours of downtime. Thank you for patience.

Update for users

Hello Kleenscan users.

Our hoster shut us down without notice.

We are back up, but still working on some issues.

We are making changes to limit down time to a couple of hours instead weeks if anything like this happens again.

We apologize for the interruption and are planning to provide a credit to Kleenscan accounts to make up for it.

Thank you for staying with us.

Black Friday / Cyber Monday Deal

Greetings from KleenScan Team!


We would like to inform you that a special BLACK FRIDAY and CYBER MONDAY deal is LIVE now on


For only $10 you will be getting a yearly package which among other things includes unlimited hourly scans, periodic scan, usage of kleenscan API and many more! The deal applies to standard services available on the site now. It does not apply to new services released after the deal.


In order to activate your package visit our billing section at add the corresponding sum to your KleenScan account via your desired method (PayPal / bitpay) and wait for the confirmation e-mail.


Afterwards visit and subscribe to the 'Black Friday / Cyber Monday Deal'!


We also want to announce that we are almost done with the beta phase with runtime scanner. Since it is now in beta, it is free for use. It is stable, and soon we will add new AVs and features. After that, runtime will be charged.


We plan to remove the 5 free scans feature in the new year. Take advantage of this deal now!




Наилучшие пожелания от команды KleenScan!


Хотим вам сообщить о начале акции Черной пятницы и Киберпонедельника на


Всего за 10 $ вы получите годовой пакет который включает в себя неограниченные почасовые сканирования, периодические сканирования, доступ к KleenScan API и многое другое! Эта акция распространяется на стандартные услуги доступные на сайте в данный момент. Она не распространяется на новые услуги, выпущенные после окончания акции.


Для того чтобы активировать ваш пакет, зайдите в биллинг раздел и добавьте соответствующую сумму на баланс вашего KleenScan аккаунта через удобный для вас метод (PayPal/Bitpay) и дождитесь письма с подтверждением.


Затем зайдите на и подпишитесь на «Black Friday / Cyber Monday Deal »!


Мы также хотим объявить что фаза бета тестирования рантайм сканера подходит к концу. Пока в сканер был в бете, лубой мог его использовать безплатно. Сейчас все стабильно работает и мы скоро добавим дополнительные АВ и новый функционал. После этого, услуга рантайм станет платной.


Мы планируем убрать доступ к 5-и безплатным сканам в районе нового года. Так что пользуйтесь пока есть возможность!

Runtime update

Dear customers,


We have added new AVs in runtime section

Kaspersky Internet Security

GData Total Security

Still runtime is in beta mode, we plan to add new AVs and new features.

We would appreciate your feedback either in support section or our Telegram channel.


Enjoy  ;)

Runtime scanner

We have added a queuing feature to the runtime scanner to improve user experience.

Special thanks

Special thanks to Joel Aviad Ossi from for the security contributions!

KleenScan now on Telegram

KleenScan support now on Telegram

Since Telegram is growing and growing and has become the most popular application for chat.
Numbers confirm that it is used by 550 million users.

We are proud to announce our telegram channel, where you can talk about anything, get support, and get a lot of news that will be posted there.

Also, you can use that channel to contact our support.

Go to and join our channel.

Runtime Scanner

Good news from KleenScan!
We proudly announce our RUNTIME SCANNER up and running.

Our non distributing, fast & easy to use dynamic file scanner is up and running with 10 AV's. Hurry up and check it out, while we are working on adding more AV's to our scanner.


Приятная новость от KleenScan!
Мы рады вам сообщить что запустили СКАНЕР РАНТАЙМ.

Наш быстрый и удобный динамичный сканер файлов работает с 10 движками АВ без всякого распространения результатов. Пока вы ознакамливаетесь с новым функцианалом, мы продолжаем работу добавки дополнительных АВ и API.

KleenScan runtime scanner

KleenScan is introducing a beta of runtime scanner.
This helps you get detection results of running files on a live system.

Now KleenScan offers you static and dynamic file scan!

We have 10 AVs on runtime for now.
Plan is to add more AVs, more cool features, and bug fixes reported in the beta.

The beta is available now at no cost"


KleenScan рад объявить бета-версию рантайм сканера.  
Это даст вам возможность получить результаты обнаружения запуска файлов в действующей системе.
Теперь KleenScan предлагает как и статическое так и динамическое сканирование файлов!

На данный момент, у нас 10 АВ настроенных на рантайм.
Планируем добавить дополнительных АВ, функционала и фиксы на баги, обнаруженные во время беты.

Бета версия бесплатна и уже доступна.

KleenScan Cyber Monday

KleenScan is extending Cyber Monday deal for next 48 hours due to payment issues we had.
If you are not having this plan, you still have time to get it.

KleenScan Cyber Monday

KleenScan Cyber Monday deal is active for next 24h due to high interest in package.
Hurry up and catch it today.

Black Friday / Cyber Monday deal

Greetings from KleenScan Team!

We would like to inform you that a special BLACK FRIDAY and CYBER MONDAY deal is LIVE now on

For only $10 you will be getting a yearly package which among other things includes unlimited hourly scans, periodic scan, usage of kleenscan API and many more! The deal applies to standard services available on the site now. It does not apply to new services released after the deal.

In order to activate your package visit our billing section at add the corresponding sum to your KleenScan account via your desired method (PayPal / bitpay) and wait for the confirmation e-mail.

Afterwards visit and subscribe to the 'Black Friday / Cyber Monday Deal'!

Наилучшие пожелания от команды KleenScan!

Хотим вам сообщить о начале акции Черной пятницы и Киберпонедельника на

Всего за 10 $ вы получите годовой пакет который включает в себя неограниченные почасовые сканирования, периодические сканирования, доступ к KleenScan API и многое другое! Эта акция распространяется на стандартные услуги доступные на сайте в данный момент. Она не распространяется на новые услуги, выпущенные после окончания акции.

Для того чтобы активировать ваш пакет, зайдите в биллинг раздел и добавьте соответствующую сумму на баланс вашего KleenScan аккаунта через удобный для вас метод (PayPal/Bitpay) и дождитесь письма с подтверждением.

Затем зайдите на и подпишитесь на «Black Friday / Cyber Monday Deal »!

KleenScan giveaway

We apologize for little downtime we had.

That why KleenScan giveaway 5 US dollars balance to all active subscribers.

Spend it whenever you want, or wait little, we have surprise coming.


Мы извиняемся за короткое бездействие с нашей стороны.

Поэтому KleenScan раздает по 5.00$ всем активным подписчикам.

Вы можете их потратить в любое время или подождите, скоро вас ожидает сюрприз.

Service Downtime

We would like to apologize for the recent downtime which was caused by our hosting provider. The issue has now been resolved and we do not expect any further downtime.

Once again, we apologize for any inconvenience caused by the issue at hand.

Scheduled Maintenance [2021-02-11]

We would like to inform you that we will be holding a scheduled maintenance tomorrow 2021-02-11 which will last for several hours.

All of our services (including API) will be offline during that time. 

We apologize for any inconvenience beforehand. We will do our best to be back as soon as possible!

-Kleenscan Team

New Year Promo

New deal from KleenScan is coming!

We are pleased to inform you that a NEW YEAR deal is arriving on January 14.
Once again we are giving a yearly package for only 1$, which comes with unlimited hourly scans, periodic scan, KleenScan API usage and a lot more!

The deal is valid for only 24 hours so don't miss it.


Click here to get the deal.

New Year Promo

New deal from KleenScan is coming!

We are pleased to inform you that a NEW YEAR deal is arriving on 31 December.
Once again we are giving a yearly package for only 1$, which comes with unlimited hourly scans, periodic scan, KleenScan API usage and a lot more!
The deal is valid for only 24 hours so don't miss it.


Click here to get the deal.


BLACK FRIDAY deal is LIVE. For only $1 you will be getting a yearly package that includes unlimited hourly scans, periodic scan, usage of kleenscan API and more!


Click here to get the deal.

Black Friday Deal

Greetings from KleenScan Team!


We would like to inform you that a special BLACK FRIDAY deal is LIVE now on

For only $1 you will be getting a yearly package which among other things includes unlimited hourly scans, periodic scan, usage of kleenscan API and many more!


In order to activate your package visit our billing section at add the corresponding sum to your KleenScan account via your desired method (PayPal / bitpay) and wait for the confirmation e-mail.

Afterwards visit and subscribe to the 'Black Friday Deal'!


Hurry up and grab your black friday deal before it expires!

Scanner roster expansion

We would like to inform all of our users that we have added two new antivirus scanners to the KleenScan service. 

Comodo Linux and VirITExplorer are both now essential part of our scanner family. 


Stay tuned for more news and updates in the near future!

Changes for new users

Starting today, all newly created user accounts are no longer on the Free-Trial package.

New users are now automatically subscribed to a Single-Check package and are able to perform a total of 5 free scans in order to test our service. 

We would like to point out that our promotional 'first-ever-purchase' action is still ongoing, which means that with your very first purchase you will be granted an additional $15 to your KleenScan account balance.

New features

New features are available:

We added CAPTCHA on our website.

We implemented Support Section on our website where you can create ticket.

You can report any problem in our Support Section and you will be notified via email when we reply to you.

Kleenscan is now paid service - free month with any purchase!

New Features

We are happy to inform you that we've decided to share a small gift with our community! Starting today, all of our current users will get a free month with any purchase. This will enable you to perform scans without any limitations for one month in addition to what you purchase. Furthermore, all newly registered users will by default be subscribed to a Free-Trial package for the first month.

*Keep in mind that subscribing to any other package will immediately void the Free-Trial period.

We've been working hard behind the scenes, and would like to introduce a new feature, Referrals. Invite your friends and earn benefits! For more info, check the referrals tab on your profile page.


Новые функции,

Мы рады сообщить вам, что решили сделать небольшой подарок нашим пользователям! Начиная с сегодняшнего дня, все наши текущие пользователи получат месяц бесплатного использования при любой покупке. Это позволит вам сканировать без каких-либо ограничений в течение одного месяца в дополнение к тому, что вы покупаете. Кроме того, все новые пользователи по умолчанию будут подписаны на пакет бесплатной пробной версии на один месяц.

* Имейте в виду, что подписка на любой другой пакет немедленно аннулирует период бесплатного пробного использования.

Мы усердно работает на заднем плане и хотели бы ознакомить вас с новой функцией - Рефералы. Приглашайте друзей и получайте бонусы! Для дополнительной информации проверьте вкладку рефералов на странице вашего профиля.

Change to paid

Free service is coming to end.

From 15th October Kleenscan will start to charge the service.

See payment options under the Pricing page for more details.


Бесплатное обслуживание подходит к концу.

С 15-го октября Kleenscan станет платным сервисом.

Варианты оплаты и цены указаны на соответствующей странице.

Two new AVs added

Two new Antivirus engines on our scanner.


- Comodo


- Preventon

Scanner issue

We had issue with our scanner and we want to apologize for this.

We will prolong FREE time as compensation for this.

Problem solved.

Change to paid service coming

Free service is coming to end. 17 August 2020 all users will be changed to free trial one month. 14 September 2020 will be paid service. See payment 

package options under Pricing page.

Период бесплатного обслуживания подходит к концу. С 17-го августа 2020, все пользователи будут перед переведены на бесплатный пробный пакет на один месяц. 

Начиная с 14-го сентября 2020, станет платным сервисом. Вы можете ознакомиться с ценами на странице Стоимость.

URL Scanner

The new function is available:

- scanning of URLs

* scanning of URLs also does not send any data to AV companies


Test it on and if you notice any bugs/problems please contact me.

Four new AVs added.

Four new Antivirus engine on our scanner.





API support released.

We have released API support.

Check for more information.


Today we expect show downtime for routine maintenance.

Free trial

Free trial is coming to an end. From now on, only registered users can use the scanner. It's still free.

Hardware maintenance

We are doing upgrade of our infrastructure due to big amount of new users on website.

There is possibility that something will not work properly between 29.02 till 02.03.

Infrastructure upgrade

Due to infrastructure upgrade service will maybe not be available 30 - 45 minutes.

The upgrade is scheduled for 16-01-2020 from 11.00 AM GMT+4

Three more AVs added

Three new AVs added.

SecureAge APEX, Preventon and ALYac.

We are working on new AVs and other stuff too, stay tuned.

New AVs added

We added new AVs as you guys requested.

Zillya, VIRUSfighter, QuickHeal, Amiti, MaxSecure.

More AVs are coming soon, if you would like to request some, feel free to ask on jabber or email.


Periodic Scan added

We have implemented period scan feature.
It's available only to registered users.

Feel free to try it.